
The Shadow Democracy

Amazon is denying police force use of face recognition technology. Google divested from Project Maven. Microsoft is re-considering it's ICE contracts. American technology giants are backing away from supporting their own government at the risk of local and national security. This is alarming. CEOs aren't doing this by choice. They're being mobbed by their own employee base. Here's the thing -- their employees are not representative of the rest of us. It would be one thing if all Americans wanted to abolish ICE. This isn't the case: 42% support it ! A small fraction of costal elites -- the vocal activists in tech companies -- are opining for millions of Americans and billions of Internet citizens. It's like Congress, except it only has a few districts in New York and San Francisco. America is no longer being governed by democracy. It's being taken over by a shadow democracy of woke activists.  What's even worse is it isn't the entire company. It...